Untuk menandai berbagai elemen dalam suatu dokumen HTML, kita menggunakan tag. Tag HTML terdiri atas sebuah kurung sudut kiri (<, tanda lebih kecil), sebuah nama tag, dan sebuah kurung sudut kanan (>, tanda lebih besar). Tag umumnya berpasangan , tag yang menjadi pasangan selalu diawali dengan karakter garing atau garis miring (/, garis miring). Tag yang pertama menunjukkan tag awal yang berarti awal elemen, dan yang kedua menunjukan tag akhir, berarti akhir elemen. Nama elemen ditunjukan dengan nama tagnya. Suatu elemen di dalam dokumen HTML harus di tandai dengan penulisan tagnya yang berpasangan.
Rabu, 11 April 2012
3. Sebutkan, jelaskan dan berikan contoh penggunaan Tag HTML (Minimal 10 tag)
2. Sebutkan dan jelaskan kegunaan internet dalam dunia bisnis dan dunia pendidikan?
a. Dunia Bisnis
· Memudahkan Telekomunikasi Dengan Biaya Yang Lebih Murah misalnya antar pengusaha lain
· Mudah Melakukan Pemasaran dan Publikasi dengan memasarkan via internet transaksi akan lebih banyak karena dlakukan secara online
· Bisa Menjual Barang Secara Online dengan fitur fitur layanan yang memudahkan konsumen
· Mudah Menyebarkan Pemberitahuan Ke Banyak Pegawai missal pegawai yang berada di Indonesia dengan pegawai yang ada disingapore
· Bisa Mencari Pegawai / Karyawan Baru Lewat Internet selain menjual kita juga bisa membuka lowongan kerja untuk perusahaan via internet
· Mudah Berhubungan Dagang Dengan Banyak Klien Di Luar Negeri misal pemasaran tidak hanya dilakukan di local saja tetapi juga interaksi dengan konsumen dluar negeri sangat membantu sekali dalam kegunaan internet
· Memudahkan Manajemen Untuk Membaca Informasi Dari Satu Sumber
· Dapat Berinteraksi Langsung Dengan Konsumen Akhir Beserta Agen / Distributor
· Karyawan Memiliki Fasilitas Hiburan Tambahan Saat Senggang
b. Dunia Pemerintahan.
· Membantu pemerintah dalam memberikan layanan yang cepat terhadap masyarakat misal pd situs pemerintahan pasti ada fitus layanan yang disajikan oleh masing masing dinas terkait
· Membantu pemerintah dalam bertukar informasi dengan pemerintah lain misalna pemerintah Indonesia bisa bertukar informasi dengan pemerintah amerika
· Membantu pemerintah dalam memasarkan pariwisata untuk tiap daerahnya masing masing
· Memudahkan komunikasi antar pemerintah lain untuk menghemat biaya
1. Jelaskan bagaimana cara kerja internet ketika kita mengakses sebuah halaman web sampai ditampilkan ke browser?
Kamis, 29 Maret 2012
Internet Safety
But that access can also pose hazards. For example, an 8-year-old might do an online search for "Lego." But with just one missed keystroke, the word "Legs" is entered instead, and the child may be directed to a slew of websites with a focus on legs — some of which may contain pornographic material.
That's why it's important to be aware of what your kids see and hear on the Internet, who they meet, and what they share about themselves online.
Just like any safety issue, it's wise to talk with your kids about your concerns, take advantage of resources to protect them, and keep a close eye on their activities.
Internet Safety Laws
A federal law, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), was created to help protect kids online. It's designed to keep anyone from obtaining a child's personal information without a parent knowing about it and agreeing to it first.
COPPA requires websites to explain their privacy policies on the site and get parental consent before collecting or using a child's personal information, such as a name, address, phone number, or Social Security number. The law also prohibits a site from requiring a child to provide more personal information than necessary to play a game or participate in a contest.
But even with this law, your kids' best online protection is you. By talking to them about potential online dangers and monitoring their computer use, you'll help them surf the Internet safely.
Uses of Internet
enabling them to share information. The internet has brought a transformation in many aspects of life. It is one of the biggest contributors in making the world into a global village. Use of internet has grown tremendously since it was introduced. It is mostly because of its flexibility. Nowadays one can access the internet easily. Most people have computers in their homes but even the ones who don?t they can always go to cyber cafes where this service is provided.
The internet developed from software called the ARPANET which the U.S military had developed. It was only restrict to military personnel and the people who developed it. Only after it was privatized was it allowed to be used commercially.
The internet has developed to give many benefits to mankind. The access to information being one of the most important. Student can now have access to libraries around the world. Some charge a fee but most provide free services. Before students had to spend hours and hours in the libraries but now at the touch of a button students have a huge database in front of them. The Online chatting also has its own hazards. When one is talking to strangers one does not really know who they are. They can be just anybody pretending to be someone else. Many cases have been reported of child abuse happening this way. There is no way of verifying who the other really is. Many industries have also suffered a loss, especially the music and movie industry. Movies and songs are available for free on the internet which has affected the sale levels of artists. People make their own cds and sell them. The phone industry has also suffered because more people are making calls through the internet.
There is also a certain loss of privacy because now most people store all their information on the computer and when you connect online, anybody can hack ones computer and get into it. This had already been done with many e-mail inboxes. Sites also have been hacked leading to major mishaps. Sending a virus on the Web has also been another way that people?s computers have been infected.
The internet has brought new opportunities to government, business and education. Governments use it for various processes such as distribution of information and internal communication. Businesses use it to sell and buy products online and also to interact with other businesses. New business opportunities have sprouted because of the internet. Auctions take place and sites like ?e-bay? provide the opportunity for everyone to put their things on auction. Companies use it
Why Internet Marketing Is Important
Print advertising is one of the most expensive advertising media available to businesses. Print media includes newspapers, magazines, phone books and journals. Because of the increasing costs of print media production, print advertising fees can be exorbitant. TV and radio advertising can reach a wider audience but just like print advertising broadcast media advertising fees are expensive.
With the Internet, promoting a business can be done for a shoe-string budget. Aside from cost-efficiency, one advantage of online advertising is that there many creative and efficient ways to advertise online. The Internet is much more flexible tool than print or even broadcast media. Aside from static ads, you can create active ads with sounds, motions, etc. You can also have links and create interactive advertising features. There are many creative ways to highlight your products online and they are often much more affordable than creating advertising for TV.
There are also a number of cost-efficient ways to advertise online. One method is to sign up for a cost-per-click scheme which means you only pay for every valid click to your ad or your link. With this scheme, you don't have to pay for the ad placement unless someone actually finds an interest on your ad and clicks on it.
The most important reason why businesses should consider using the internet as a marketing tool is because it is here to stay. In the next few years, millions more will get connected to the internet, it will become an even bigger force and many more people will look and find what they need online. The internet has allowed people to communicate instantaneously to anybody around the world and it has changed the way people got their information. It has even changed the way people shopped. It will continually change the way people lead their lives in the coming years. The internet is continually breaking barriers everyday. In the future, it will become an even more essential part of people's lives so it's only sensible for companies to utilize this modern communication tool to their advantage. With the internet anyone can reach anybody from anywhere practically for free. A small home-based company can reach a potential business partner, a client, a supplier who lives half-way around the world. There are no technologies available yet that has the same reach as the internet. Whereas before it would cost an arm and a leg to communicate with someone from another continent, now it is has become affordable. Aside from the distance, the internet also allows entrepreneurs to reach more people for less money.
What Is Internet
The internet in simple terms is a network of the interlinked computer networking worldwide, which is accessible to the general public. These interconnected computers work by transmitting data through a special type of packet switching which is known as the IP or the internet protocol.
Internet is such a huge network of several different interlinked networks relating to the business, government, academic, and even smaller domestic networks, therefore internet is known as the network of all the other networks. These networks enable the internet to be used for various important functions which include the several means of communications like the file transfer, the online chat and even the sharing of the documents and web sites on the WWW, or the World Wide Web.
It is always mistaken said that the internet and the World Wide Web are both the same terms, or are synonymous. Actually there is a very significant difference between the two which has to be clear to understand both the terms. The internet and World Wide Web are both the networks yet; the internet is the network of the several different computers which are connected through the linkage of the accessories like the copper wires, the fiber optics and even the latest wireless connections. However, the World Wide Web consists of the interlinked collection of the information and documents which are taken as the resource by the general public. These are then linked by the website URLs and the hyperlinks. Therefore World Wide Web is one of the services offered by the whole complicated and huge network of the internet.
The use of IP in the Internet is the integral part of the network, as they provide the services of the internet, through different layers organization through the IP data packets. There are other protocols that are the sub-classes of the IP itself, like the TCP, and the HTTP.